Frank Muffin returns to Rockin’ the Suburbs Radio with a brand new episode of In the Mix on Sunday, January 1, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. EST.
Launched in January 2022, Rockin’ the Suburbs Radio is 24/7 live radio stream from the team behind the Rockin' the Suburbs podcast. RtS Radio features an awesome mix of music including special radio programs curated by superfans and fellow music lovers.
In this biweekly installment, Hans and Brittany welcome one of our BFFs, Patrick Barry Brown! Together, we look ahead to artists that have announced new releases in 2023 by reminiscing on some of their previously released classics. It's a banger!
Tune in on the feed below, at suburbspod.com/radio or through the Rockin’ the Suburbs Radio iOS or Android apps.
We want to hear from you, our listeners, friends, and fans: what themes would you like to hear on future episodes of In the Mix with Frank Muffin? These shows are a load of fun to put together, and we’d like to take it up a notch with a fan feature theme and song every once and again. Send us your theme suggestion plus a song or two for that theme, and we’ll give you a shout-out when we air it! Email us: frankmuffin@noisetrends.com.
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