B-O-T-A-N-I-C-A-L... what? This is the first track that introduced our Year of the Muffin project to the world. Yes, the world--we're proud to have streams from all around the globe (or disc if you're one of "those" peeps).
The lyrics are a bunch of nonsense! And that's it's appeal. It's a rather "catch"y tune, and one we have fun playing live. The pop-punk vibe of Botanical Fish is an exciting way to set the tone for a full year of music.
You can usually tell when I have been in a Robyn Hitchcock listening phase. For the most part, these lyrics connect in pairs, but don’t really go together so much (and I’m OK with that). —Hans
Listen to Frank Muffin's Botanical Fish on your favorite platform:
Your support helps! We still have a few copies of the Year of the Muffin 4-disc set available for sale! Get in touch with us at frankmuffin@noisetrends.com or purchase from the bandcamp link at the top of this page. Copies are also available at JL Records and Don's Guitars in Lafayette, IN.
Sitting on your lemon stool
The juices flowed, but the talk stood still
I can feel my hair grow
I feel as out of place as a camper in Siberia
What’s this mean to a quarter of a razorback?
In the sea, or feeding over by the railroad tracks
B-O-T-A-N-I-C-A-L F-I-S-H! What’s that spell
More than one could wish for, botanical fish!
Drippings of a marinade
Makings of a masquerade, swirling 'round your head—mysterious
Dreamt I was inside a can
With an Indonesian man in the ice-capades on TV
Where’s the light that I thought that I was seeing?
Trolling fight, and footprints on the ceiling
B-O-T-A-N-I-C-A-L F-I-S-H! What’s that spell
More than one could wish for, botanical fish!